OH, it's just gorgeous here, today! When I put Alyssa down for her nap I thought I'd sit and watch TV for awhile, but after 10 minutes of hearing the chimes on my balcony I jumped up, threw on some jeans, socks, and tennis shoes and then started grabbing the pots of dead plants on my balcony. Now the electric mower is charging, all my empty planters are lined up on our deck just waiting to be transformed into beautiful live decorations, and I CAN'T wait for that kid to wake up so we can go up to Home Depot!
I have all the doors and windows open and my heart is singing with spring. Okay, so that's a little dorky... but you get my point: It's a beautiful day, and I'm not going to waste it inside.
After being in the I'm-a-grumpy-bitch-because-I-miss-my-husband-so-much mode, I'm feeling better. Much better. Partly, because I seemed to get box after box in the mail from my husband this week, and he tells me there's still one more coming. There's nothing like a birthday that lasts several days. I tell ya, I could get used to being spoiled like this. He sent me a cute wrought iron wine "bottle" to throw my corks in. Plus, he sent me the Vinturi Wine Aerator that I've been wanting for more than a year. Then, today, I received a salt ramekin (for lack of a better word) that's just like Alton Brown's. You think he loves me? My husband... not Alton Brown. I'm figuring he does, considering how thoughtful he is.
Heather came over last night to try out the wine aerator with me. We were amazed! We did a taste test of "before" and "after", and we could tell a BIG difference in the wine. Ah, it's just so cool to me. I never take the time to let a bottle of red breathe and this little contraption turns a good wine into an excellent wine in a matter of seconds. So, anyway... after some great wine and great laughs she went home and then I skyped with Bruce. We had an awesome, two-hour conversation with NO interruptions. This is an accomplishment only achieved when Alyssa is asleep AND it's the weekend.
Oh! I hear her! She's awake! Home Depot... here we come! I will post some pictures of today's accomplishments on my next entry.
Get outside people! Run! Breathe! Laugh in the sun! Swing a kid around in the air!... just don't drop 'em.
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